
Research Principles at the laboratory

1. Work when you work, relax when you relax. – Focus is most important

2. Take ownership in what you do.

3. Spend 50 hours/week minimum at office. – Now is the time to learn the fundamentals.

4. Value the learning process. – Rome was not built in a day.

5. Be ambitious and enjoy student life.

Research Poster

Steel Concentrically Braced Frames

Steel Moment-Resisting-Frames

Application of Adhesives in Steel Structures

Steel Reuse

Buckling-Restrained Braces

Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames

International Collaboration

Industry Collaboration

Structural Dynamics

Seismic Performance Evaluation of Existing Structures

Rocking Frames

Seismic Isolation Systems

Steel Structures using HSA-700 High-Strength Steel

Tohoku Earthquake


<2024> Doctoral Thesis Li Jionghui Numerical Simulation of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Considering Panel Zone Yielding, Local Stiffening due to Bracing Connections, Beam Local Buckling and Fracture
Martin Somarriba Large-Deformation Behavior and Failure Process of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Examined by a Shake-Table Test
Lilliann Lai Japan-US Comparison and Test Plan on Chevron-Braced Steel Moment Frames
Masahiro OTA Autogenous Concrete Shrinkage and Shear Strength of CFT Column Panel Zones
Naoki SADANAGA Experiments of Restrainers Utilized for Buckling-Restrained Braces for Environmental Impact Reduction
Undergraduate Thesis Taiki TSUKAMOTO Implementing Load and Resistance Factor Design in Japan
Soshi NAKAMURA Response of Friction-pendulum Bearings Observed in Shake-table Tests of a Three-story Frame
Yuma NAKAYAMA Local resistance of BRBs utilizing Alkali-Activated-Materials as filler
<2023> Doctoral Thesis Ilanildo Dias Seismic Performance and Design of Japanese Steel Chevron-Braced Moment-Resisting Frames
Master Thesis Yoshihiro Abe Local Buckling and Post-Buckling Strength of Steel Braces Subjected to Cyclic Loading
Fumika Arai Post-earthquake Residual Properties and Deformation of Steel Components to Inform Reuse Judgement
Fumito Sato Identification of Versatile Modules and Microstructure Analysis of Post-Yield Steel towards Reuse in Steel Structures
Takaya Nakata Strength of Adhesively Bonded Steel Beam Splices
Undergraduate Thesis Hajime Iwazu General Implementation of Brace Response Expressed in Cloud Form
Jumpei Hayashi Three Point Bending Tests of Adhesively Bonded Steel and Timber Composite Beams
Yasunori Fujikawa Influence of Viscous Damping Model on Time-History Response Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Systems: In Combination with Typical Hysteretic Models
Reo Minamide Tension Tests to Verify Ductile Fracture Law of Steel after Strain Hardening and Strain Aging
<2022> Master Thesis Kantaro Toyama Validation of Numerical Models for Cyclic Loading Behavior of Composite Beams
Haruka Nakagawa Residual Performance and Reusability of Steel Beams after Cyclic Plastic Deformation and Strain Aging
Kotaro Yoshida Effect of autogenous shrinkage of concrete on elastic-plastic behavior of CFT panel zone
Undergraduate Thesis Masahiro Ohta Autogenous Shrinkage of Concrete inside CFT Column Panel Zone
Naoki Sadanaga Width-to-thickness ratio and failure mode of squat steel braces
Yoko Miura Effects of Base Metal Yield and Bond Length on Double Spliced Shear Adhesive Joints in Steel
<2021> Master Thesis Fumiki Iwasa Numerical Investigation of Crack Initiation Condition in Steel Square Hollow-Structural-Section Braces
Kayo Taniguchi Experimental Study of a Single Story-Single Bay Steel Moment Frame Subjected to Dynamic Loading (e3)
Tenyuu Hayashi An Experimental Study on Adhesively Bonded Steel Beams Splices and Steel-Timber Composite Beams
Yuta Fuke In-Situ Tests and Design Life Evaluation of a Large, Imported Steel-Framed Greenhouse against Wind Load
Ryosuke Matsuda Experimental Validation of the Seismic Performance of a Foldable Steel Unit House (e3)
Yusuke Watarai Effect of Hysteresis Model and Damping Model on the Dynamic Response of Steel Braced Frame
Martin Somarriba Cyclic-Loading Performance of Steel Beam-to-Column Moment Connections to an I-Section Column
Undergraduate Thesis Yoshihiro Abe A Numerical Study on Local Deformation of Steel Braces
Fumika Arai Cyclic Loading Behavior of Steel after Plastic Deformation and Strain Aging
Fumito Sato Survey of Steel Buildings in Hokkaido and Exploration of Possible Reuse Strategies
Takaya Nakata Effects of Bolts and Surface Treatment on Adhesively Bonded, Double Spliced Steel to Steel Joints
<2020> Master thesis Hiroto Takahashi Cyclic Loading Performance of Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck
Zhang Database on Strength and Inelastic Deformation Capacity of Steel Braces
Ikogba Kelvin Effect of Damping Models on the Nonlinear Time-History Response of Steel Braced Frames
Undergraduate thesis Haruka Nakagawa Residual Performance of Structural Steel after Cyclic Plastic Deformation and Strain Aging
Kotaro Yoshida Database of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns
Kantaro Toyama Experimental Validation of Beam-to-Column Connections in a Unit House System Comprising Light-Gauge Steel Members
Naoya Takahashi Structural Performance of Composite Beams Focusing on Damage to Composite Steel Deck Slabs
<2019> Master Thesis Shaoqi Yang Residual Performance of Structural Steel after Plastic Deformation and Strain Aging
Hashini Herath Numerical Evaluation of Fracture in High-Rise Buildings Subjected to Long Duration Earthquakes
Yuka Nagai An Experimental Study on Adhesively Bonded Steel-to-Timber Joints
Shinichiro Takada Questionnaire Survey of Steel Braced Frame Design and Evaluation of Prescribed Structural Characteristic Factors
Katsuhiro Aoyagi Experimental Validation of Beam-to-Column Connections in Steel Structures
Sho Fukutomi Influence of Damping Model on the Time-History Response Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Systems
<2018> Master thesis Shuhei Uesugi Time-History Analysis of Low-Rise Steel Chevron Braced Frames
Takumi Okawara Performance Assessment of Existing Buildings in Hokkaido Constructed Prior to 1981
Watanabe Yosuke An Experimental Study on the Strength of Adhesively Bonded Steel to Steel Joints
Undergraduate thesis Doun Kim Strain Aging Tests of Japanese Structural Steel
Taisuke Nishida Japan-US Comparison and Data Analysis on RC Core-Wall Structures
Hiroto Takahashi A Study on the Influence of Damping Model on the Elastic-Plastic Time-History Response
<2017> Master thesis Kyotaro Ouchi Deformation Concentration of Steel Core and Overstrength in Buckling-Restrained Braces
Akiri Seki Experimental Behavior of Chevron Steel Braced Frames using I-section Braces
Haruna Takano An Experimental Study on the Shear, Tension, and Peeling Strength of Adhesively Bonded Steel-to-Steel Joints
Kazushi Nakata Effect of Soil Yeilding and Foundation Uplift on the Seismic Response of Building Structures
Undergraduate thesis Katsuhiro Aoyagi Dynamic Loading Test of Beam-to-Column Connections Constructed in the Field
Shinichiro Takada Placed Survey on the Design of Steel Braced Frames in Hokkaido
Yuka Nagai An experimental study on the shear strength of adhesively bonded steel-to-timber splices
Sho Fukutomi Base Shear Spectra of Elastic-Plastic Building Structures permitting Foundation Uplift
Ryunosuke Watanabe A Study on Numerical Methods to Capture the Nonlinear Behavior of Structural Steel Systems
<2016> Master thesis Sho Yamazaki Control of Local Failure Mechanisms in Buckling-Restrained Braces
Undergraduate thesis Shuhei Uesugi Cyclic Loading Tests of Steel Chevron Braced Frames Employing Flexible Bracing Connections
Takumi Okawara Performance Assessment of Existing Buildings in Hokkaido Braced on Seismic Diagnosis Date
Yosuke Watanabe An Experimental Study of Steel Beam Splices Joined with Structural Adhesive
<2015> Master thesis Kesuke Inoue Effect of Bracing Connections on the cyclic Loading Behavior of Steel Chevron Braced Frames
Naoto Kotani Earthquake Response Prediction of Steel Frames Allowing Column Mid-Height Uplift at the…
Shunsuke Hisida Required Local Restraint of the Flexurally Deformed Steel Core in Buckling-Restrained Braces
Yuki Fukuoka Evaluation of the Strength and Deformation Capacity of Composite Beams
Undergraduate thesis Kyotaro Ouchi Effect of End-Stiffener Embedment Length of the Steel Core on the Seismic Performance of Buckling-Restrained Braces
Akiri Seki Cyclic Loading Tests of Steel Chevron Braced Frames Employing Flexible Bracing Connections
Haruna Takano An Experimental Study on Double-Lap Shear Adhesive Joints of Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Plates.
Kazushi Nakata An Examination of the Seismic Response of Building Structures wwith Foundation Uplift through Base Sear Coefficient Spectra
<2014> Master thesis Yuriko Kato Seismic Response Estimation of Steel Frames allowing Column Mid-height Uplift at the First Story
Kensuke Komatsu Cyclic Loading Performance of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections with Wide-Flange Members
Yuichi Hasegawa A Triple-Friction-Pendulum Bearing Model Incorporating the Effect of Varying the Effect of…
Yasuda Kyouhei Effect of Soil Nonlinearity on the Sesimic Response of Building Structures with Foundation…
Undergraduate thesis Yuto Kameoka Cyclic Loading Test of a Steel Chevron Braced Frame with Single-Lap-Joint Bracing Connections
Sho Yamazaki Effect of Mortar Strength on the Mechanical Behavior of Buckling-Restrained Braces
<2013> Master thesis Takumi Ohura Effect of Shear Key Location on the Performance of Buckling-Restrained BracesFujino…
Hiroki Matsumoto Seismic Response of Steel Rocking Frames with Column Mid-height Uplift at First Story
Taichi Fujino Strength of Steel Beam Splices Using Structual Adhesive
Dong Qingyuan Numerical Simulation of Shake-table Tests of a Full-Scale Seismically Isolated with…
Undergraduate thesis Kesuke Inoue An Experimental Study of Adhesively Joined Steel Beam Splices Loaded in Combined Shear…
Naoto Kotani An Experimental Study of Reduced-scale, Column Mid-Height Uplift Mechanisms
Hishida Shunsuke Evaluation of Buckling Mode Number about Strong-Axis of Buckling-Restrained Braces
Fukuoka Yuki Evaluation of the Strength and Deformation Capacity of Composite Beams
<2012> Master thesis Daisuke Ujiie Effect of Vertical Stiffness and Foundation Uplift on the Seismic Response of Building Structures
Hironori Otomo Effect of Energy Dissipating Elements PT Wire on Seismic Response of Controlled Rocking Frames
Kesuke Sato Performance of Triple-Pendulum Bearings Observed in Shake-Table Tests of a Five-Story Building
Wataru Naruo Seismic Response of Structural Systems with Column Mid-Height Uplift Mechanism and…
Undergraduate thesis Yuriko Kato Hysteretic Characteristics of Steel Frames with Column Mid-Height Uplift and Uplifting…
Kensuke Komatsu Seismic Design Provisions and Beam-to-Column Connection Design for Steel Building Structures…
Shuichi Hasegawa Seismic Diagnosis and Damage Prediction of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings and…
Kyohei Yasuda Validation of Seismic Response Analysis of Foundation Uplifts Structures with Experimental Results
Toma Yamachi Damage to Steel Braced Frame from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake