The Hokkaido Branch Research and Presentation Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan was held at the Sapporo City University.
9 members from our laboratory gave presentations, and Mr. Li and Ms. Lai received the Excellent Presentation Encouragement Award!
2024/06/07 Goodbye Party for Prof. Ali
Prof. Ali has returned to Canada. Thank you very much for your valuable lectures and research advices!

2024/05/14 Prof. Midorikawa participated in our group meeting !
Professor Midorikawa, the former professor of our laboratories, participated in our group meeting. He gave us valuable advice! Thank you very much.

2024/05/09 Safety Lecture
We had a safety lecture in out experimental laboratory. We learned the key points for working safely, such as wearing proper work clothes, safety boots, gloves and hardhats. We were also introduced to using power tools, such as drill presses, grinders, and saws.
2024/04/24 Welcome Party
We had a Welcome Party! We welcomed Professor Ali Imanpour, the new students Daiki Tsukamoto, Soshi Nakamura, Yuma Nakayama, Julio Cesar Rojas Palacios, and Rafael Alejandro Sinay Oliva. We’re excited to have you join us!

2024/03/25 Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony was held in March 25th.
Mr. Abe, Ms. Arai, Mr. Sato, Mr. Nakata, and Mr. Akshay, thank you so much.
2024/3/12 Dismantling Steel-Wood Composite Beam
We have dismantled the test specimen from the steel-wood composite beam experiment conducted in November!
It was very difficult to separate the steel from the wood.
2024/1/29, 2/5 Presentation of senior theses and master’s theses
Presentation of senior theses and master’s theses were held at January 29th and February 5th.
Each presentation was clear and we could imagine that B4 and M2 students had prepared each presentation a lot.
2024/1/18 Young Researcher Presentation Award of 2023 Annual Conference of AIJ
Mr. Li (D3) received the Young Researcher Presentation Award of 2023 Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan!
Congratulations !
2024/01/16 Installed LED lights in the lab
LED lights were installed in the laboratory. It feels brighter than before.